



The Montessori Day School elementary curriculum provides a non-competitive, intellectually and culturally diverse learning opportunity. By participating in an academic environment and classroom community where they are enabled to develop their special gifts and talents, each student discovers their individual voice. That voice becomes the compass that guides each of them as they realize success academically and socially as children, continuing into adolescence and beyond.

Our Montessori elementary curriculum is flexible, extensive and individually focused, giving the students the opportunity to augment their learning of the traditional academic subjects with study of a broad array of special subjects like astronomy, chemistry, algebra, global studies and botany. The students find context and application for the traditional academic subjects like mathematics, science, language arts and history through exploration of the world around them and can deepen their knowledge and understanding by researching those areas of particular interest to them. The emphasis in our classroom is on understanding and application, not memorization. The students are presented complex ideas that appeal to and expand their intellect and imagination. The regular academic curriculum, which includes traditional educational expectations, is enriched through the arts, music, foreign language, field trips, physical education and guest presentations.

Children not previously enrolled in Montessori preschool are considered on an individual basis because independence, curiosity and an ability to concentrate are important characteristics to bring to the class.


In the elementary classroom at MDS, academic subjects are not an objective, but rather the vehicle for a journey. Through varied subject matter such as math, geometry, language, geography, culture and biology, our students embark on a rich exploration of the world around them. The MDS curriculum at the elementary level focuses on aiding the child with discovery of the interrelation and interdependence of all things, and their own role in the world. Through group and individual instruction presented to address all learning styles, each child will learn much more than facts and functions—they will build an understanding and context of the unique academic subjects and find in them purpose and value. By helping each child discover the “why” behind academics, we enable them to develop an inner discipline and motivation for mastery.

Learn more: http://www.mdsch.org/programs/elementary-program/academics/

Community and Character

The MDS elementary environment is much more than a classroom. Our students, staff and families form a community. Because our classroom is a very dynamic environment, the children have an enhanced opportunity for interaction and cooperation. Through practices such as group establishment of a framework for peace in our classroom, collaborative learning projects, individual classroom jobs, and working together toward dispute resolution, our students develop strong character and skills that will be critical to long term success. MDS students take an active role in developing responsibility, tolerance, patience and commitment. Each student gains understanding of their unique role and responsibility within our classroom community, and the community and world in which they live.

Learn more: http://www.mdsch.org/programs/elementary-program/community-character/

Practical Life

Education does not end with academics. The MDS curriculum is plentiful with exercises that will develop in each student practical life skills that enrich their physical dexterity and build confidence through the ability to independently perform the activities of daily life. Students build hand strength and fine motor skills through weaving, knitting and other handwork. Once a month, the MDS elementary has Classroom Cooks—a program where students prepare lunch and invite the kindergarten extended day students to dine with them. Students are also provided opportunities to use their skills in service to the community and the larger world of which they are also a part.

Learn more: http://www.mdsch.org/programs/elementary-program/practical-life/

The Arts

A well-rounded education builds appreciation of the world through all the senses. The MDS elementary program includes a weekly music class, in addition to art experiences that often integrate academic lessons and subject matter. The students have the opportunity to use a wide variety of media to discover their unique perspectives as artists, such as watercolor, ink and acrylic painting, paper mosaic and collage, beading and hand building with clay. The Montessori philosophy strongly asserts that children need to learn the world through experience, not just from pictures. These field trips enhance classroom learning and understanding through helping the children experience life, culture and environment first hand.

Learn more: http://www.mdsch.org/programs/elementary-program/the-arts/

Please email admin@mdsch.org to schedule a school visit. An interview of a prospective student can be scheduled once MDS has received an application.

Click here to download the Elementary Application (PDF)